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Vocational visits are an important part of GSE we will be making one vocational visit a week. We go to some visits separately as we do different jobs. Its terrific.

My first vocational visit was to ATMC, the local cable, internet and telephone company, where I met the HR and Marketing Managers. We discussed a wide range of HR issues, from recruitment to training and benefits, and found that many of them are the same as we provide in Trinidad. There are some significant legislative differences however, such as the absence of Retrenchment protection here, but ATMC prides itself on being a fair employer, so always do the right thing.

Yesterday the whole team visited with 3 bankers - from the East Carolina Bank, First Citizens Bank and Sun Trust - and once again we found many similarities, in the way banking is done in the USA and Caribbean.

Today we are off to the University of NC West, where there is a wonderful youth training / intern / mentoring program. Promises to be very interesting ..

Lara QT


I met with president Dr Stephen Greiner, he was very generous with his time and shared many insights on his vision for BCC.  Under his leadership they have made great strides.
The Dinah E. Gore Fitness and aquatic Center is just one of the six buildings which has been added to the campus since Dr Greiner has taken up the position of president.  The campus of the BCC is quite impressive and new structures are thoroughly thought out and well constructed.  His obvious involvement in the detailed development and expansion of the campus is inspiring.  This gentleman understands the concept of total quality management.

BCC also includes an Early College High School made up of approximately 300 students.  It is situated on the campus and students are able to take college courses.  I met with two History teachers, it was so interesting how similar our experiences are.  History Teachers seem to fight the same fight everywhere.
I arrived in time to witness the induction of 15 students into the National Honors society.

The Golf Club at Cinghiale Creek is a three-green, eighteen tee golf course, with a practice putting green clubhouse and learning center for the sole use of The First Tee participants. Within this area, any child age 7-18 living in Brunswick County will be able to join The First Tee of Brunswick County to experience golf skills and life skills in a fun and exciting environment. Our goal is to touch the lives of children throughout our county. This was the vocational visit of Chad  Blackman...



My visit to Eugene Ashley High School on the 19th April was inspiring.  From the moment I stepped onto the school property I was given a photo id so that I could tour the school.  The school is relatively new and the History class I visited was so much like mine it was uncanny the lesson was on Big Stick Policy. 
Thanks to my host father Charlie for arranging the visit.

My latest vocational visit was to the Carteret County Employment Security Council where Mary and her colleagues treated me to a veritable banquet of employment and training programs and initiatives offered here. They are a wonderful bunch of employment professionals, totally dedicated to their craft. It was a super experience and I have many new ideas to implement at Regency back home !


My visit to West Carteret High School where I was to tour the entire school, I was especially impressed by the English as a Second language class.  It was surprising to hear that they had worked with some Jamaican students in the past  .  I also had the pleasure of working with the Interact club as they prepared for the district conference.
