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Southport Rotary Club

Our first Rotary club visit on April 7th was wonderful.  They are a singing club and of course we joined in. We did our presentation which was very well received, this is where we discovered the interest in pirates.

Wendy and Lara presenting they club pennants
Chad doing his portion of the presentation

We had three Rotary club visits on April 8th.  It was quite grueling but the Rotarians were so friendly and receptive it made it all worth it.  We got our first standing ovation at Whiteville Rotary club
The Breakfast meeting and presentation at Leland Rotary Club.

 Wendy shares her pictures with a member of the Shallotte club.

Members enjoy lunch at the Shallotte Rotary club

Out third meeting of the day was in Whiteville, we got our first standing ovation.  yeah!!!

On April 9th we visited South Brunswick Island Rotary club, along with our usual presentation of pennants  at this meeting we made presentations to four members of the club
  • Leroy Brown who hosted us at his restaurant (Burbon Street- great food)
  • Suzy King who took some really beautiful pictures of us including the main picture used in our blog (you took years off Suzy thanks) 
  • Dan Lynes and Denny Jordan who took great care of us from our day of arrival in Area 4.  Their level of organisation and efficiency was impressive.  Thank you gentlemen you truly embody rotary 'Service Above Self'

On April 10th we visited and presented at Fair Bluff.  This meeting was extra special for us all because of the clubs history; although the meeting was small we were greatly appreciated and we thoroughly enjoyed the river walk we went on afterward. The work done on the river walk is a terrific rotary project.


AREA 3 Wilmington East

12th April we visited the Wilmington East Rotary Club, this club meets at Bluewater a beautiful restaurant overlooking the water.

Wilmington Downtown Club meets at Coast Line Convention Center.  We attended their lunchtime meeting and presented for them on the 13th April

Wilmington Central/South club meets at the Cape Fear Country Club and we made our presentation to them on April 14th

15th April presentation at Wilmington West.

16th April we met with and presented for the Wilmington Cape Fear club at Jungle Rapids


The pace in Jacksonville was much more manageable we attended and presented at four Rotary clubs while two other clubs entertained us without requiring presentations