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We have been thoroughly impressed by the jokes told at the meetings we visit, here are a few of our favorites

  •  A couple had just had their first child and the new mother was touched by the sight of her loving husband staring down at their new baby in his crib, she entered the nursery and hugged her husband almost in tears she said to him -honey what are you thinking?  He replied -I cant believe i found this crib for only $49.99.
  • The problem with the gene pool is that there is NO life guard. 
  • The new restaurant on the moon has great food but no atmosphere.  
  • Borrow your money from a pessimist, they don't expect to get it back.  
  • Your conscience is what hurts when everything else FEELS GOOD.  
    •   A man was in a bar in France where he met a lady who only spoke french.  Problem was he only    spoke english.  However, that did not deter her.  She drew a martini glass on a napkin.  The   gentleman realize she wanted a drink so he bought her one.  A little while later she drew on another napkin two people dancing, so he figured she wanted to dance.  Shortly there after she drew a bed.  The man's only thought was, "How did she know I was a furniture sales man?"    
    • A woman was rush to the hospital in labour where she delivered a healthy twin.  When she awoke the nurse told her that it was the policy of the hospital for all children to be named immediately after birth.  But everything was ok because her brother had given the children names.   She new her brother was not the brightest member of the family so she became alarmed.  She took a deep breath and asked the nurse what were the names of her babies.  The nurse replied he named your daughter, Denice.  She said, "That's not too bad, what did he name my son? DE-Nephew.   
    Little Larry Jokes 
    • Larry's teacher asked his class,  "Who all think that they are stupid to please stand?"  She waited, and waited but no one stood.  Then, Larry stood up, and the teacher asked him, "Larry do you think your stupid?" He said, " No teacher, I just did not want you to be the only one standing".  
    • One night Larry saw his mom butting on some cold cream.  So he asked her why she was doing so.  She responded that she wanted to look beautiful.  In the morning when he saw her he asked, "Mom, you giving up?"
    • On a visit to the local police station.  The sheriff showed Larry a picture of  a wanted man.  Larry's response, "So why did you not keep him when you took his picture?"